Teaching the children of America's military families worldwide
The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) is a civilian agency of the U.S. Department of Defense, dedicated to teaching the children of America's military families worldwide.
The DoDEA Director oversees all agency functions from headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. DoDEA schools are organized into three Areas, each of which is managed by an Area Director. Within each Area, schools are organized into Districts headed by Superintendents. Principals of individual schools report to their Superintendent, who in return reports to the Area Director.
Department of Defense Education Activity - Europe
DoDEA-E is headquartered in Wiesbaden, Germany, and is on the web at It presently operates 79 schools organized in four Districts located in 9 countries: Bahrain, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom. All DoDEA-E schools are fully accredited by U.S. accreditation agencies. Over 5,000 educators and support staff serve its approximately 35,000 students.
DoDEA-E serves the children of military service members and Department of Defense civilian employees throughout the European Command. Children of enlisted military personnel constitute roughly 80 percent of enrollment. Since military assignments often result in frequent moves, the transient rate for DoDEA schools is 35 percent. Children of contractors, NAF employees and others may be eligible for space available enrollment.
Some categories are required to pay tuition, which ranged from $11,148 to $25,440 in the 2015-2016 school year. Details are on the Website.
DoDEA monitors student progress through the use of standardized tests. All students in grades three through 11 take the Terra Nova Achievement Test, a norm-referenced test, each spring. DoDEA-E fourth and eighth grade students also take the National Assessment of Educational Progress, "the Nation's Report Card".
Administration of plans and programs is managed by the Director, DoDEA-E, and by the four District Superintendents. The DoDEA-E instructional program provides a comprehensive prekindergarten through 12th-grade curriculum that is competitive with that of any school system in the United States. The curriculum includes Early Childhood and Special Education components. A wide range of rigorous courses is offered to enable students to excel academically. Older students benefit from curricular enhancements such as Advanced Placement and Professional Technical Studies classes. In-depth descriptions of DoDDS-E curricular and adjunct programs are on the web. Advanced technology is integrated into every content area beginning in the lower grades. Supplementary programs include foreign language, Talented and Gifted, host nation and compensatory education classes.
DoDEA-E also runs an extensive distance-learning program that enables students in remote sites or small schools to take the most advanced courses. A Virtual High School has been offered by DoDEA for several years.
In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, DoDEA-E provides appropriate public education to eligible students with disabilities. A full continuum of special education services is available. Families should consult with Exceptional Family Member Program representatives to learn about specific services available at each site.
The safety and security of students are of continuous concern to DoDEA-E. Schools work very closely with local commands to ensure that contingency plans are always in place. Policies with regard to drugs, alcohol, safe schools, weapons, gangs, and anti-terrorism help administrators maintain safe learning environments and pursue the academic mission with a minimum of distractions.
DoDEA-E schools are an important element of stability in European Command communities. They help students and military families maintain a sense of normality during times of deployment and conflict. A strong family support network helps student cope and focus during difficult times.
An active School Advisory Committee process enables parents to influence school policies and operations. Clearly delineated procedures allow parents to resolve problems or issues using an established chain of command.
Families can begin the DoDEA-E registration process online. On arrival at school, required, hard-copy documents include: sponsor's travel orders or similar documents of eligibility; child's immunization record; birth certificate or passport of new kindergarteners or first-graders to verify the date of birth; and student records from schools previously. Enrollment
For DoDEA-E graduates and students moving on to other school systems, record and transcript request procedures.

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